Project ECHO

What is Project ECHO?

Project ECHO (Extension of Community Health Outcomes) was established in Highland in 2016. The project has grown each year and we work closely with our partners in NHS Highland, Highland Council the voluntary sector. We also work at a national level as a Superhub and strive to make ECHO as accessible as possible for all areas of Health and Social Care by encouraging and enabling the creation of new hubs.

Project ECHO, initially developed in New Mexico as an online methodology to support community healthcare professionals to treat individuals infected with Hepatitis C, is now a rapidly expanding global network. Project ECHO aims to democratise learning through mentoring and building communities of practice aided by multi-site video-conferencing.

Learn more about Project ECHO at the University of New Mexico’s website.

Scottish Centre for Project ECHO

We have been running ECHO networks across multiple fields of work beyond palliative care as well as having trained multiple hub sites around Scotland. In order to further this work, be recognised as a multi disciplinary provider and create more sustainability for the hubs we train, we have changed our name to the Scottish Centre for Project ECHO. Our new website is now available and linked below. The SCfPE is an extension of the work undertaken by Highland Hospice but more efficiently aligned to other agencies. A current example is our partnership with the Scottish Government care directorate to develop ECHO for care homes in line with their framework. This funding has made the new website possible.

Click on the image below to go directly to our new site.