Crisis contacts
The support offered by Highland Hospice Bereavement Service is usually an agreed, planned and contracted process. It is not primarily an emergency response at a time of crisis. If you need to speak with someone, please make contact through the Hospice during office hours.
If you are needing help immediately please consider the following options. The websites listed below give more information and contact details appropriate to where you live:
Heath Service Emergency contacts. You may wish to contact your GP. If your surgery is closed and you cannot wait, you can contact NHS24 by phoning 111 (remember to only call 999 in an emergency).
The Samaritans - You can talk to the Samaritans day or night, 365 days a year. They are an anonymous confidential service and you can speak about anything that is concerning you. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to feel suicidal to use their service and they are used to a very wide range of concerns. You can call them by dialing 116 123.
Breathing Space offers 'an alternative and easily accessible ‘first stop’ service, helpline assistance at an early stage in order to stop problems escalating, empathy, understanding and advice through active listening, hope when none exists and direction for those who do not know where to seek help'.
Combat Stress - Amongst other support, Combat Stress offers a 24-Hour Helpline for military personnel and their families which can advise on various issues from mental health to practical support.
Parentline Scotland offers support, including a Helpline, for anyone caring for or concerned about a child. They can give information about similar services in other parts of the UK.
NHS inform self help guides offer support on a range of topics, including mental health and bereavement and grief.