Strategy, Annual Reports and Accounts


Our Strategy for the period 2021-2024 is titled 'Caring for our population Together''. The title and strategy itself recognise the importance of partnership in past, current and future success of Highland Hospice. Over the next few years, as we seek to deliver and support more care across the region, we want to create partnerships with other agencies, charities and local communities and to work together to design and deliver solutions for the support and provision of health and social care across the Highlands.

To complement our overall strategy we have also developed a volunteer specific strategy, 'Individuals complete the picture' which you can download below.

Annual Reports and Accounts

Our Accounts are a full set of audited accounts for Highland Hospice and our subsidiary companies.

Our Annual Report or Review is a formatted document summarising key achievements and activities for the year as well as presenting our income and expenditure in a simple pie chart format.

You can search our Information Library for older Annual Reports or contact for older audited accounts.


Highland Hospice is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Registered Charity. Our constitution is formally known as the Articles of Association of the limited company. This document outlines the 'objects' of the charity i.e. our charitable purposes, and also how we are governed.


We issue two newsletters a year - Spring and Autumn. These contain patient stories, service updates and news on our fundraising and retail activity.

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