Education, Learning and Development

Highland Hospice provides education, learning and development opportunities for healthcare professionals, care workers and lay carers across Highland. Our aim is to support you to feel better able to support the people you care for.

For more information contact the Learning and Development Team:

Claire Stewart, People and Development Manager

Fiona Williamson, Learning and Development Co-ordinator

Jude Scott, Practice Learning & Development Lead

Highland Hospice Knowledge Exchange Team

Kirsty Bateson, Knowledge Exchange Manager and ECHO Development Lead,

Susan Speke, Last Aid Development Officer

Andrew Howie, Digital Improvement Officer,

Useful External Links

The Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines reflect a consensus of opinion about good practice in the management of adult patients with life limiting illness. They are designed for healthcare professionals from any care setting who are involved in supporting people with a palliative life-limiting condition.

A framework to support the learning and development needs of the health and social service workforce in Scotland, published by NHS Education for Scotland on their website. Palliative and End of Life Care Learning and Development Framework