Exchanging Knowledge Throughout Highland

We are developing our portfolio of knowledge exchange activities which include projects such as Project ECHO and Last Aid as well as facilitation of evidence based practice and innovation. This includes project development, conferencing, research collaboration and promotion.

Care Conference for Social Care Practitioners, 13th November, 2024

We will be holding our annual Care Conference online on the 13th of November. Over the day, we will be covering a range of relevant issues and topics in care, providing opportunities for learning and discussion. This material will be delivered by fantastic speakers from across Scotland.

The material delivered at this conference is going to be focussing on issues most relevant to people working in a social care environment. Anyone is welcome to attend this conference, though we also run an annual conference for clinical practitioners which may be more relevant to some people.


To find out more information about the conference programme and to register your interest, please see the links below.

We will also be posting updates on our Twitter/X page which you can follow @HighlandHospKX.