Getting the right information
Delivering and providing care in a healthcare environment is a straightforward concept. However, delivering care at home poses different challenges.
Getting enough information is an important first step to prepare yourself for the road ahead.
Please remember to seek support where you can. Caring for someone can be very isolating, and with our current social situation, will pose more challenges for carers and families, along with the person facing death.
These links will help inform you on what care needs may be required.
Marie Curie - Caring for a friend or family member dying at home
Hospice UK - A downloadable guide to caring for someone dying at home with COVID-19. This guidance refers to caring for someone who has COVID-19. However, the approach can be applied to all people who are dying at home.
NHS Inform - Practical advice for partners, carers and friends
You can also contact our Social Work Team at Highland Hospice. Call 01463 243132 and ask for the Social Work Team any time Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm for support or guidance on care.
Living with a terminal illness and dealing with Coronavirus
Marie Curie UK have put together this resource as a guidance for people living with a terminal illness in the current Coronavirus outbreak.