Come and Throw Wet Sponges at Our Director of Fundraising!

13 November 2013

Highland Hospice’s Director of Fundraising, Andrew Leaver, will be put in stocks on Saturday 16th November during our Christmas Fayre.  So come along and throw a wet sponge or two at him, all to raise funds for the Hospice!

Andrew explains, “I have just signed up for an exciting international mountain trekking challenge to Malawi next October, through which I plan to raise at least £4,500 for Highland Hospice.  For the past 25 years I've supported Highland Hospice as a donor, staff member and volunteer and now I feel it is time to do something really special.  So to kick-start a series of fundraising activities leading up to the Malawi trip I am putting myself in stocks on Saturday and urging people to come along and soak me.  It’s all good fun and for a great cause – hopefully I won’t have too many regrets on the day when I am drenched and shivering!  And I am charging at least double for any of my Hospice colleagues who want a go!”

The Highland Hospice Christmas Fayre takes place on Saturday 16 November between 11am and 1.30pm and will host a range of craft stalls with lovely and unique Christmas gifts.  There are craft activities for children and the chance to meet Santa and Hospice mascot Bobby the Bee.  Entry is £2.50 for adults (Sandwiches, home baking and refreshments are included in this fee).  There is no charge for children under the age of 12.

The Highland Hospice ‘Malawi – Island in the Sky Challenge’ is a ten-day trek over 9,000 feet to the summit of the highest peak in South Central Africa.  The challenge also involves volunteering at the Ndi Moyo Palliative Care Clinic which is twinned with Highland Hospice.  The Hospice is currently looking for more people to sign up for the challenge which runs from 24 October to 4 November 2014.  Please do get in touch if you are interested.

For further information about the Highland Hospice Malawi Challenge or Christmas Fayre, please contact Amanda Burt on 01463 227913.

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