Louise Raises Funds at the Ullapool Rotary Round the Pier Fundraising Day

17 July 2013

Thanks so much to everyone who helped with the Hospice stand at the 'Rotary Round the Pier Fundraising Day' which took place in Ullapool on 12 July.

Our long standing volunteer Louise Mackenzie, who has been fundraising for Highland Hospice since before it even existed, has been taking a stand at this open day for years.  Louise, helped by another long standing volunteer, Mabel Macleod, sells some clothes from the Hospice store plus Hospice new goods in order to expand her fundraising efforts relating to her Great Wilderness Challenge each year.   

Pictured with Louise and Mabel are the 'Hospice Belles' - a group of our volunteers who happened to be visting Ullapool that day and were delighted to come across Louise and her stand!


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