Stoddart Crane Hire Help Hospice Turn the Highlands Yellow

13 March 2020

Stoddart Crane Hire Help Hospice Turn the Highlands Yellow image

Stoddart Crane Hire has generously offered to sponsor Highland Hospice’s Wear Yellow Day 2020, which takes place on Friday 29th May.

On this day the Hospice will be urging companies and schools across the Highlands to wear yellow, have fun and support a fantastic local charity.

Stoddart Crane Hire’s Hire Coordinator Kerri MacDonald said, “It’s a privilege to team up with the Highland Hospice on this campaign as it’s a charity close to our family. With our Grandad (Jock Stoddart) passing away in the care of the amazing Highland Hospice nurses in March 2016 this is a great opportunity which enables us to give a little something back in return as a thank you for their special attention and support given in his last days.

I think in general the Hospice has touched most people’s hearts in the area and as a family business we are all for supporting local charities.”

Community Fundraiser Emma Nicol said, “We are extremely grateful to Stoddart Crane Hire for sponsoring our Wear Yellow fundraising day, and we were delighted when they brought a 250 tonne Grove crane to the Hospice earlier this week. We got some fantastic photos of Bobby getting lifted in the crane’s basket!”

If your school or workplace would like to participate in Wear Yellow Day, you can order a fundraising pack and some merchandise by contacting Emma Nicol or 01463 423199.

For further information

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