Helping Hands Volunteer

Our befriending service offers vital social support in the community.

Helping Hands Volunteer image

Aim or goal of position

Our Helping Hands Befrienders offer supportive, reliable relationships to people affected by advancing illness, helping them to cope and improving their well-being.

As this role is working closely with individual patients and their families, appropriate training and support will be provided.

Main responsibilities and suggested activities

The duties and responsibilities of a Helping Hands Befriender can be many and varied as the relationship is unique and tailored to the needs of the individual person. The volunteer will work closely within the parameters of the service agreement in place and the role description, in providing appropriate support to the patient, carer and family members. Client-related activities may include:

  • Supporting patients and their carers affected by advancing illness in their own home or care establishment providing friendship and social support
  • Providing a listening ear for patients, carers and their families
  • Providing companionship (reading, chatting, letter writing)
  • Providing respite for carers for short periods (up to maximum of three hours) as agreed
  • Offering opportunities to participate in social/recreational and daily living activities (may go out on trips)

Although not a clinical service, Helping Hands involves working directly with Hospice patients and their families and so there are other responsibilities related to the management of the service rather than the befriending activity. Please download the role description at the bottom of this page to read about these.

Skills / attributes and/or qualification(s) required

  • Ability to adjust to being with people with increasing health problems
  • Good social and communication skills
  • A caring, sympathetic, sensitive manner and a non-judgmental approach
  • Ability to sensitively and appropriately relate to the client group
  • Polite, caring and friendly nature
  • Patient in supporting clients
  • The ability to be around people in distress and remain calm
  • Have an awareness of boundaries between clients and volunteers
  • Ability to maintain client confidentiality
  • Ability to secure information supplied in line with data protection requirements
  • Reliable, dependable, flexible and punctual
  • Meet PVG requirements
  • Meet driving requirements if agree to take client trips in own car

Estimated hours

Arrangements will be agreed between the Helping Hands volunteer, the Service Manager and those they are supporting. Volunteers are asked to commit to a befriending session on a weekly or fortnightly basis for at least six months.

Work site

Client’s home, may be other by specific agreement



More volunteers

By the River Café

We are currently looking for volunteers for Tuesday afternoon shifts 1pm - 4.30pm and Friday morning shifts, 9.30am – 1pm and Saturday 11am - 3.30pm and also reserves to fill vacant shifts

Ebay Volunteer

Monday or Tuesday to help pack up the items sold in the Ebay shop

Ness Islands Railway

Events Volunteer

Kerry, Will and George helping at a fundraising event

Retail Volunteer

Gain new skills, meet new people, and help raise funds for Hospice care.

Retail Van Driver

Connecting the Hospice to our shops across the Highlands.

Warehouse Volunteer

High Life Leader Programme

Support Highland Hospice as a young volunteer.